Amber Alerts on AirPods Ruptured the Eardrums of a 12-Year-Old Boy, Parents File Lawsuit Against Apple
The child is identified as B.G in the lawsuit filing who was watching a movie on Netflix on his iPhone that was connected to AirPods Pro (via Law360). While the volume of the AirPods was reportedly set to low, the Amber Alert produced a high-pitched noise that damaged the boy’s eardrums. The lawsuit details that Apple’s Amber Alert “tore apart” B.G’s eardrum and also damaged his cochlea. Since the incident, the boy has suffered hearing loss, dizziness, nausea, vertigo, and tinnitus. He is now required to wear hearing aids. The lawsuit claims that Apple is aware of the “defective” AirPods that do not lower the sound of Amber Alerts. Moreover, Apple also did not include a warning for the potential issue that users might face. Lastly, the new lawsuit against Apple seeks damages for the boy and his parents who are under immense emotional stress from the situation. The lawsuit demands “punitive damages in amounts that would punish Defendants for their conduct and which would deter other technology companies from engaging in such misconduct in the future.” Amber Alerts are designed by Apple in a way to alert iPhone users, causing the AirPods to produce loud sounds and vibrations. You have the option to turn off Amber Alerts for your AirPods in the Settings > Notifications > Toggle off the Amber Alert option. This is all there is to it, folks. Share your views with us in the comments section below.