In a new video shared on YouTube, eXtas1s, who proved to be quite reliable regarding Microsoft rumors in the past few months, revealed that the Japanese studio has approached Microsoft to publish and fund their next game. Sources did not say if Microsoft has agreed to the proposal, so we do not know if the two companies will collaborate again following the cancellation of Scalebound.

PlatinumGames and Microsoft working together don’t sound too far-fetched, despite the already mentioned Scalebound fiasco. Earlier this year, Hideki Kamiya and Atsushi Inaba commented on the canceled game, reiterating they would be ready to complete it if Microsoft was willing. In addition, the Japanese studio was reportedly evaluated for acquisition by Microsoft in 2019, so the publisher funding a new PlatinumGames title doesn’t sound unlikely at all. PlatinumGames’ next big title will be the highly anticipated Bayonetta 3. The third entry in the series will make its debut exclusively on Nintendo Switch on October 28th. You can find an overview of the game below. Bayonetta struts through multiple locations in an all-new, over-the-top climax action game. Sporting a wicked new ensemble and somehow familiar pigtails, the titular Umbra Witch must face a mysterious evil using her signature guns and time-slowing Witch Time ability. This time, invading manmade bioweapons called Homunculi find themselves in Bayonetta’s crosshairs. Get ready for a devilishly good time Tap into Bayonetta’s naughtier side with Demon Masquerade, a new ability that channels the demon linked to her weapon allowing for some exciting action options, not to mention some hair-raising combos. She can also summon her demonic darlings like Gomorrah, Malphas, and Phantasmaraneae during battle, unleashing their demonic powers in the heat of combat and in new, larger-than-life battles where you directly control the action.

PlatinumGames Has Approached Microsoft to Publish Their Next Game   Rumor - 44PlatinumGames Has Approached Microsoft to Publish Their Next Game   Rumor - 13PlatinumGames Has Approached Microsoft to Publish Their Next Game   Rumor - 99PlatinumGames Has Approached Microsoft to Publish Their Next Game   Rumor - 21